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Wonder Dynamics, is an AI powered one camera motion capture solution. The end user can upload a single video clip, and the cloud based solution is able to map the movements onto a provided rigged character.
As part of our ongoing studies into new ways to bring characters to life, we went through the process of testing out the Wonder Dynamics system for a project that we were due to start work on.
One Camera Input
Tom kindly volunteered his services to act the part for our character. Whilst I used one of my Ready Player Me avatars to map the motion too.
Wonder Dynamics automatically creates a clean backplate, and composites your avatar over the top of the original footage.
I exported out the animated fbx and brought it into Blender, the rig needed a bit of tidy up.
I put together a loose environment, and added some stock motion graphic footage as emissive video screens to cast some light onto the character and environment to give it some atmosphere.
I curated a series of shots in the timeline before adding a grade in After Effects.
Side By Side
Side by side video showing the original video, Wonder Dynamics output and final render 

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