Responsibilities / Lead Artist. Interactive Models. Animations. Unity
Interactive Audio Driven Real-time Content
To mark London Collection: Men’s Schedule, Selfridges commissioned INITION to produce a virtual reality experience with leading British fashion designer, Gareth Pugh, to be showcased in their flagship Oxford Street Store as part of their Festival of Imagination.

The conceptual abstract CGI piece took inspiration from Pugh’s ‘Carbon Life’, a geometric outfit originally designed for the Royal Ballet and worn by the designer.
Inition worked closely with Pugh to produce a piece that reflected both his strong aesthetic and an original atmospheric soundtrack by artist Matthew Stone, delivering a multi-sensory fully immersive VR experience.
A custom-made two metre tall booth was built within the menswear department of Selfridges and housed the installation which included a bespoke Pugh headpiece with integrated virtual reality display providing a 360 degree stereoscopic environment.