Responsibilities / Lead Artist. Full Motion Capture. Facial Capture. Animation

Working with C2K, we created an interactive Vitrual Reality experience for Toyota. Showcasing their new Toyota Safety Sense system in an engaging way.
Users are transported behind the wheel of a new Toyota car, as they look to their left, they see that they have a crash test dummy in the passenger seat who comes to life, and takes them on a tour of the city, where all of Toyota's new features are showcased.
Users are transported behind the wheel of a new Toyota car, as they look to their left, they see that they have a crash test dummy in the passenger seat who comes to life, and takes them on a tour of the city, where all of Toyota's new features are showcased.
The experience was shown on an Oculus Rift and was a real crowd-pleaser, being shown at over 70 events worldwide.

Part of my responsibilities were the full motion capture pipeline, from capturing the Actor in the Optitrack suit using Motion Builder, to cleaning up the data in 3dsmax, to full facial capture for the dummy.